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Year 1797 - Sworn report of Debit and Credit that I, Don Juan de Castanedo, Commissioner and City Treasurer of New Orleans, in charge of the administration of funds pertaining to the Hospital of "San Lazaro", render to this Most Illustrious Cabildo of the various sums of money of the said Hospital, which have been in my charge during the year 1797, to-wit:


I have debited my account with 368 pesos, 4 realer, which, on September 14th., 1797 were paid by Don Juan Bautista Beauregard, in representation of Dona Magdalena Cartier, his mother, on account of 1.259 pesos and half real, which he was lawfully owing, and which, in accordance with the settlement made in conformity with the deliberation of the Cabildo held on August 23rd., I recorded it at the foot of the report he presented to this Most Illustrious Cabildo, therefore, there results a net balance in favor of the Hospital of "San Lazaro" from September 1st., and deducting the above mentioned sum, 894 pesos 1 1/2 reales, on which sum he must pay interest at the rate of 5% per annum, for as long a period as he might retain it, for the general expenses of said Hospital, and as security, he has pledged a real estate mortgage on two lots located as follows: one at the corner of Royal and St. Ann Streets, and the other at Royal and the Bayou, by a public deed before the Notary Don Pedro Pedesclaux, dated November 23rd. of said year, as is evidenced by his report and testimony of the mortgage attached, No.1 . . . . . . . . . . 368...4...

I also have debited my account with 50 pesos paid by Don Nicolas For stall on December 13th., ultimo, on account of a larger sum, which includes principal and interest on 1.000 pesos which he received on December 13, 1786, from the now deceased Don Luis Toutant Beauregard, former Administrator of the Hospital of "San Lazaro," giving him a receipt for said amount to which I refer

I also have debited my account with 14 pesos 7 reales paid on December 31st. by Don Juan Bautista Beauregard, in representation of Dona Magdalena Cartier, his mother, for 4 months interest past due on the sum of 894 pesos l 1/2 reales, owed to the Hospital of "San Lazaro" from September let. ultimo, until said date, as is evidenced by the receipt I gave him to which I refer


I have credited my account with 100 pesos which on July 31st., 1797, I delivered to Don Andres Lopez Armesto, Secretary of this Government, consequently to the orders issued by the Governor General, regarding the repair works dome at the "San Lazaro" Hospital by Don Hilario Boute during the year 1795, which expense was paid with funds advanced by the City Treasury, until September 14th. when funds pertaining to said Hospital were received; which transaction was mot recorded in the account of said Department (City Treasury) this sum having been reimbursed before the year was up; as is evidenced by the contractor's bill, order of said Governor General and attached receipt of the interested party,

I also have credited my account with 3 pesos, paid on August 8th. to Pedro Herrero, for a pirogue which the Honorable Governor assigned for the use of the "San Lazaro" Hospital, as is evidenced by the order of said Governor and receipt of the interested party, to which I refer

I also have credited my account with 231 pesos 3 reales, which on September 14th. I entered to the Treasury in my charge, for an equal amount owed by the Hospital "Sam Lazaro" at the end of December of the past year of 1796, for various sums advanced to said Hospital in the following manner: in the year 1792, 28 pesos; 1793, 48 pesos; 1794, 48 pesos; 1795, 51 pesos 1 1/2 reales; 1796, 56 pesos l 1/2 reales, which sums added together amount to the above mentioned sum; which receipts are on file in the said City Treasury, as evidence of the loan to which I refer

I also have credited my account with 3 pesos which on December 4th. I paid to Don Fernando Alzar, value of one blanket delivered to the leper Josef Francisco Jorge, as is evidenced b y the order of the Governor and the attached receipt of the interested party,

I also have credited my account with 45 pesos, 5 reales, which I have supplied since January 1st. up to December 31st. to the orderly of said Hospital, Josef Grao, for the sustenance of the leper Josef Francisco Jorge, and although said sum was spent out of the funds of the City Treasury, until the month of September when funds of said Hospital were received, this transaction was not recorded, the aforementioned sum having been reimbursed before the year was up, as is evidenced by the attached receipt of said orderly, dated December 31st., N

I also have credited my account with 21 pesos 5 reales, my commission for the funds collected, at the rate of 5% on the sum of 433 pesos 3 reales, which funds I have collected for account of the Hospital of "San Lazaro" as is evidenced by the Debit entries in this Report


The Debit amounts to . . . . . . . . . . 433...3
The Credit amounts to. . . . . . . . . . 404...5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28...6

Therefore, the Debit amounting to Four Hundred and Thirty-Three Pesos three reales, and the Credit to Four Hundred and Four Pesos five reales, as is evidenced by the three Debit entries and six Credit entries contained in this Report, and the vouchers which sustain it, there remains a balance in my care, at the beginning of the current year, of 28 pesos 6 reales in favor of the Hospital of "San Lazaro"; and in case it is noted that I maliciously have omitted a debit entry or duplicated a Credit entry, I submit myself to the punishment provided I,, the Laws, and orders of His Majesty. I do swear to God and the Cross (+) that the above statement is true and correct. - New Orleans, January 27, 1798.

(signed) Juan de Castanedo.