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To the Most Illustrious Cabildo

Don Gilberto Guillemard, Mayor of this Post and Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Armies, to your Lordships respectfully states: that the Baron de Carondelet, Field Marshall of the Royal Armies, Governor General and Commander of this Province, by virtue of a resolution of the Cabildo, ordered the plan and estimate of the Cabildo Buildings, placing under my care the direction and supervision of this work, taking the necessary steps for its accomplishment, and in consideration of the fact that this work is well advanced, and this his Lordship, the aforementioned Baron de Carondelet offered me a gratification, I request your Lordships to please resolve to assign me the gratification that you deem just, and to instruct the City Treasurer to pay me half of it, obligating myself to continue directing said work until same is finished. This favor I expect to receive from the benevolence of your Lordships. New Orleans, November 10th, 1797.
      Gilberto Guillemard

I certify and give faith that in the session of the Cabildo held this day, it was resolved to instruct the Perpetual Commissioner and City Treasurer, Don Juan de Castanedo, to pay to Don Gilberto Guillemard, Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Armies and Major of this Port, the sum of Two Hundred pesos, obtaining the proper receipt. New Orleans, November 10th, 1797.       Pedro Pedesclaux
      Secty'y of the Cabildo

Value: 200 pesos
Received from Don Juan de Castanedo, City Treasurer, the sum of Two Hundred Pesos, referred to in the proceeding certificate. New Orleans, November 11th, 1797
      Gilberto Guillemard