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Katie Clausmann Robinson was the wife of Gustave Robinson, a mulatto of New Orleans; they married in 1895. Her husband was a partner with William Morris in the New Orleans Ice Cream Works at 2217 Dryades Street. Gustave died in September, 1910, and his widow retained her interest in the business. They advertised their wares (“Best in the City”) on a number of occasions in the New Orleans Item in 1913: “Why go elsewhere and buy your Ice Cream when you can get better at Orleans Ice Cream Works?” They also sold Charlotte Russe and biscuits. In September, 1914, however, Mrs. Robinson and William Morris published a notice in the New Orleans Item announcing the closure of their business “Owing to rat proofing and dull times” (we assume that they are referring to the expense of complying with the city’s rat proofing ordinance). In spite of this notice, Mrs. Robinson continued to be listed in the city directories as an ice cream manufacturer at 2845 Dryades Street through 1919.

Shown here is Mrs. Robinson’s business card.

(Rare Vertical File)