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Adele Pauline Deschamps (Mrs. Jacob E. Groux by first marriage and Mrs. Pierre Joseph Fierobe by the second), a native of France, operated a costume store in several Vieux Carré locations from 1854 (possibly earlier) until her retirement and subsequent death in 1892. A February 26, 1873 article in the Daily Picayune noted that, “in her time [she] has been keeper of the wardrobe to half the theatres in Europe.” In 1882, she sued the Southern Express Company for loss of revenue due to late delivery of costumes intended for a Purim celebration in the city. Her succession shows that she owned property worth $1115.50 at her death.

Advertisement from 1858. Later, the New Orleans Republican, February 26, 1873 carried an advertisement touting Mrs. Groux as “The only Paris costumer,” and noting, “All who have patronized her during the last twenty-five years will understand that there is nothing fashionable or beautiful worn in Paris, which has been forgotten.”

(A. Mygatt & Co. New Orleans Business Directory, 1858, 1857)